Paperback edition of our popular e-book study guide, written specially for A-Level students studying First World War literature.
An in-depth, chapter-by-chapter summary of the novel, outlining the main events which take place. Clear, concise and broken down into ‘bitesize’ chunks, these notes are especially useful and are accompanied by a critical analysis of the author’s portrayal of characters and concepts within each chapter.
Vital to the comprehension of any novel, our Study Guide articles focus on the characters of Douglas Kingsley, Captain Shannon and Nurse Kitty Murray and are followed by a critical examination of the creation and portrayal of these characters.
Of particular value to students, this section of the Guide explains the main themes of The First Casualty. Topics covered are “Murder and Justice” and “The Question of Truth”.
Considered by many to be the key asset of our Guides, the Comparisons section help students compare and contrast various aspects of The First Casualty with other literature of the First World War.
Topics covered are:
- The Portrayal of Conscientious Objectors
- The Language and Writing Style of Trench Scenes, Sex Scenes, and Death.
Further reading advice is provided with a list of novels, plays, poetry and non-fiction works, together with brief descriptions, which we feel support and enhance students’ understanding of this topic.
Key Features
Ideal for A-Level Students;
Supports A-Level Syllabus;
Useful in-depth summary/critical analysis of the novel;
Detailed notes on Characters with critical analysis of their portrayal and Themes provide a valuable background resource for both examinations and coursework units;
The author’s use of language and his writing style examined in detail.

W Lawrance -
978-1-910603-11-6 -
Paperback -
104pp -
Published Date
29 November 2014 -